We understand that a perfect home sows the seed of love and care. There’s nothing like staying home for real comfort. SAIMAN @Home is pioneer in providing world’s first “Hi-tech ICU at Home” supervised by multidisciplinary team of doctors with clinical monitoring through EAGLE; a revolutionary cloud-based home healthcare software. Every home patient is assessed and monitored physically by experienced critical care nurses and skilled healthcare attendants, and backed by team of qualified and trained clinical professionals and a strong tech-based system.

SAIMAN @Home is well known for rehabilitation of individuals by team of highly trained physiotherapists, clinical consultation, second opinions, specialized doctor’s visit at home and air / road transportation by our multidisciplinary team of doctors, laboratory testing and imaging anywhere anytime through our state of the art NABL lab and also provides ICU equipment on buy / rent at affordable price. SAIMAN @Home is also pioneer for starting hemodialysis for critical patients at home.

During the time of Covid-19 pandemic our team of front-liners treated 5000+ covid & post-covid patients at home and also provided 24x7 remote monitoring & quarantine services to the patients with almost zero causality.

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