Hemodialysis & Peritoneal Dialysis

Healthy kidneys keep a balance of water and chemicals in your blood all the time. Dialysis is a treatment that can clean the blood. A filter is used to remove excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood. A membrane (a thin layer of tissue) keeps blood separate from a special fluid called dialysate. The membrane has tiny pores in it that let wastes and water out. Protein and other large cells your body needs to keep are too big to fit through the pores.

There are two main ways to do dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis and Hemodialysis. In an effort to minimize the discomfort of our patients, as well as the invasiveness which comes with the procedure, our team of experts at Saiman Healthcare provides easy, safe, and affordable dialysis at home. Such ease of access and safety is also important for our valued patients who are ill and bedridden due to the critical nature of their current medical conditions, making the travel to a clinic for a dialysis procedure an unnecessarily painful and uncomfortable procedure at best.

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